
Spazio Verde can design, build and maintain biological pools, or “bio-pools”, which are perfectly natural water pools conditioned by plants and movement and without the addition of synthetic products, such as chlorine, in order to keep it healthy.

Natural water, just like soil, is a complex living entity. If added straight into a traditional container, with the passage of time, its organic part dies, with the result of making it putrescent.

Bio-pools artificially recreate a containment reservoir as an ecosystem, in which plants, aquatic animals and technology work together to ensure the healthiness of the water. The essence of this technology lies in the reconstruction of the ecosystem with its natural cycles, with phytodepuration occurring in natural areas of the bio-pool, which thus takes on the appearance of a natural pond. Bathing in a bio-pool means experiencing the sensation of bathing in a natural river, pond or small lake.

Though the installation price of a bio-pool is higher than that of a conventional swimming pool, the long-term costs are lower since there is less need for maintenance. Furthermore, compared to a conventional swimming pool, a bio-pool has the undeniable aesthetic advantage of recreating a little corner of nature in the garden. Finally, it is worth underlining that a bio-pool guarantees healthy swimming, without the risk of allergies or skin irritation, while the chlorine used in conventional swimming pools tends to irritate the nose and eyes, in addition to being harmful for the environment.